Għatx għall-Paċi

Min kien Patri Massimiljan Mizzi OFM Conv?

Shortly after Father Mizz's arrival in Assisi along with his work as a novice master he started some activities, which turned out to be his real mission and life's work. In 1960 in the streets of Assisi he met some Franciscan friars. He did not know their habit and asked them where they came from. To his surprise they were Franciscans from the Anglican Church, and thus they did not belong to the Catholic Church as all other Orders, including the other Franciscan Orders do. At that time Father Mizzi did not know that there were friars outside the Catholic Church, but his meeting with these Anglican Franciscans resulted in a growing friendship. In 1960 such a dialogue was very unusual, because after the split between Rome and the Orthodox Church in 1000 and later under the reformation in the 15th century, where the reformed Churches separated from Rome, there was still no official approach and dialogue between the many different Christian Churches. In all these centuries they lived separately and the separation was characterized by wars, conflicts, prejudices and lack of knowledge about each other.
The Second Vatican Council during the years 1962-1965 meant an end to this centuries-old division between the Christian Churches, and a new concept - ecumenism, i.e. work for Christian unity - was born. Father Mizzi's pioneering activities now expanded through many meetings in Assisi and also travels to the "reformed" countries, at the beginning especially England, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Countless meetings and conferences between the leaders of the various cultures and religions of the world have been held since 1986, when Father Mizzi started his numerous travels to the meetings in many countries and in all continents, including India, Japan, Nepal, Singapore, the Philippines and Australia in the East, and Africa, the Middle East, North and South America, Russia as well as still Western Europe and the East European states.
As a recognition of his peace work Father Mizzi has been honoured in various ways. Among them are: In 1976 he received the jubilee medal from Pope Paul VI for his ecumenical work among young people. In 1978 he was awarded the Cross of St. Augustine by the Archbishop of Canterbury for his work of dialogue with the Anglican Church. In 1999 he was invested with the order "Member of the National Order of Merit" by the President of Malta. In 2001 he became an honorary doctor at Texas Christian University, and since 1999 he has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
On the basis of Father Mizzi's activities the Assisi Chapter of the Franciscan Order founded in 1972 "Centro Francescano di Apostolato Ecumenico" in Assisi. In 1989 the General Chapter of the Franciscan Order founded the "CEFID", the international Fransciscan center for dialogue, in Assisi. He was delegate general of the Order for ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue from 1990 to 2003.

In 2002 Father Mizzi fell seriously ill. In spite of 4 large operations and consequent medical treatment over 6 years he worked dedicatedly and indefatigably for his great peace mission until his transition on the 3rd of March 2008. In his 77 years' earthly activities he made a lasting impression on thousands of people all over the world because of his humility, simplicity and great gift of compassionate and embracing love. Many people are grieving following his death.
But from the spiritual kingdom of infinite love and wisdom, where his soul is now active liberated from a tired, painful physical body, the compassionate, embracing love flows in a new depth and intensity to further God's plan of creating the unity of the human family. Father Mizzi's blessing and support is still flowing to ASSISI MISSION and naturally to all the people who are dedicated to promoting peace and love on earth, because as Father Mizzi expressed it when he was still active in his physical body: "It is all about love" and "God loves you. Not because you are good, but because he is".